Monday, February 4, 2008

Great Site

I was just in Vegas for a company meeting, and your site was brought up as an intro. The guy speaking about your site made a joke that he would not order his usual while in Vegas as it was related to gay guys and yuppie girls. His comment got me interested and I just spent the last hour reading your site. This in itself is probably not that unusual for most people, but for me it is. I’m not really into reading websites, and more frankly most sites are boring. (I love Vegas, it is one of my favorite places to go)

I was glad to see that my $1 tip per drink was considered fair. I tip a $ even when I’m losing, and more on the very very rare occasions that I am winning. I also tip my dealer almost every hand as well. And yes, I have had to waitress as a 3rd job in the past – divorce, 2 kids, etc. Do what you gotta do. Plus I have had family members in and out of service business for various reasons.

My drink was not on your list so I’ll consider myself unpredictable. Which is ok by me.

Did not mean to make this a long note, I just wanted to tell you that I truly enjoyed your site. You are very talented, not only at your job, but also with your writing. Your website is informative, funny, and very true! As far as stupid, rude, non-tipping idiots go, just so you know, even if they read your site they will in no way even remotely think you are speaking of them. Unfortunately you cannot fix stupid.

Your baby is a dumpling, and you are a doll, good luck to you in all you do!

p.s. Try writing something for publication.

Thanks, Jackie

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