Hey Dollie,
I had to write to you. I have been a cocktail server for 26 years in Atlantic City ( I know shoot me please) So anyway, I was googling something after work and came across your website. I was laughing so hard, I literally had tears running down my face. I especially like the section: "Who orders What?". Not only are you hysterical, you are 100% right on in everyone of your blogs. I work at Bally's in the poker room on Grave shift and especially liked your description of the poker players. Thanks for a good laugh. I am going to forward your site to all of my cocktail server friends and maybe even print some of it to hang in the bar. It's been so slow because of the partial smoking ban and new casinos in other states that we could use a laugh. BTW, in NJ you can serve drinks if you are under 21. Here you only have to be 18.
Take care,
Linda in AC
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hello Dollie,
I do not want to complain but, you have not been updating the sexiest web site in the history of the world.
I do understand how busy you must get working and having a little boy. Plus fighting off your spouse because he can’t keep his hands off of you for obvious reasons…. Hahahaha..
But it would be nice to hear from you so we all know you are OK.
Have a nice day!
I do not want to complain but, you have not been updating the sexiest web site in the history of the world.
I do understand how busy you must get working and having a little boy. Plus fighting off your spouse because he can’t keep his hands off of you for obvious reasons…. Hahahaha..
But it would be nice to hear from you so we all know you are OK.
Have a nice day!
Love your site!
Saw your website via Las Vegas Advisor. Cute baby! Love your weibsite. Our son is coming home for a two week leave in June from deployment in Iraq and our daughter graduates from college so we are coming out to Vegas for a few days to unwind and escape the reality of our lives a bit before the son has to go back over to the hell-hole in Iraq. Thanks for the tips on your site regarding the cocktail waitresses. I have a new found respect!
Respectfully, Terri "Proud Navy Mom" "Proud Jayhawk Mom" from "The Land of Oz," blah old Kansas....... ;(
Respectfully, Terri "Proud Navy Mom" "Proud Jayhawk Mom" from "The Land of Oz," blah old Kansas....... ;(
Hola Dollie..

i was thinking if you hear "Hello Dollie" one more time you may get sick. think i found through the las vegas advisor link.. i may know you... although that may not be you in the photo. i travel all over the world on a regular basis. (international airline).. also have a photo business which takes me to las at times...i happen to enjoy the place myself.. as long as you take it for what it is, its a fun place. i happen to like hot weather too.. you went to great lengths to detail a lot of stuff about yourself on your site.. but for today, i will skip most of my details and say thank you for an amusing & fun visit. you are very clever and funny in an off beat way. hope to meet you for real.. Where is the beautiful Asian baby from? im guessing china.. but maybe not. here is a photo for you .. from kazakhstan..xx cheers from eli..
Hi Eli,
Yes, now that the world's smartest country is stuck with a zillion horny men and no women - talk about a short-term solution with disastrous results - it was easy to steal a baby boy without notice. Thanks for the picture, it makes me homesick.
Re: Ordering tips
I really enjoyed your "Ordering Tips". Very well done. Too bad the "idiots" and other self indulged folks that do read it would most likely assume it refers to "someone else" . Good luck.
First, a little bit of introduction. I'm a local as of November, 2005, but we had been coming to Las Vegas on vacation for several years prior to that. One of the things we use to judge a casino is the wait staff and, as far as we're concerned, there's nothing better than a good cocktail waitress!
I've been using Las Vegas websites, news, message boards, etc., for over 10 years and I've just been introduced to your site. You seem to have a good deal of good information on your website - especially for people who have never been to Las Vegas, or, God forbid, a casino! In all this time I have never seen a link to your website until this morning - through Las Vegas Advisor. I would suggest to you that you get your link on as many of the other Las Vegas websites as possible - your information is that good and your subject matter is not covered very well by any other sites.
Just had to put my $.02 worth in! Keep up the good work!
I've been using Las Vegas websites, news, message boards, etc., for over 10 years and I've just been introduced to your site. You seem to have a good deal of good information on your website - especially for people who have never been to Las Vegas, or, God forbid, a casino! In all this time I have never seen a link to your website until this morning - through Las Vegas Advisor. I would suggest to you that you get your link on as many of the other Las Vegas websites as possible - your information is that good and your subject matter is not covered very well by any other sites.
Just had to put my $.02 worth in! Keep up the good work!
Hi Dollie
Great site. Loads of interesting stuff!
My family (myself, husband, 4 kids and my mom) will be moving to LV in August from NY (but I grew up in LA). I hope to enjoy LV as much as you seem to.
I Love abba-zabba but haven't been able to find them in years!
Great site. Loads of interesting stuff!
My family (myself, husband, 4 kids and my mom) will be moving to LV in August from NY (but I grew up in LA). I hope to enjoy LV as much as you seem to.
I Love abba-zabba but haven't been able to find them in years!
Got to your site through the LVA daily question. I find it interesting from your point of view, but you must be a rarity as a cocktail waitress. I have visited Vegas many times, Reno as well, over the last 40 years and have played just about every game at every floor monetary level. I've been living in Vegas for two years now, retired here, and my cocktail waitress service experience has given me a different picture than the one you paint. For one, the lower the play limit, the poorer the service. I have played penny slots for the fun of the animations and all the way through the limits to high limit poker for the income. Regardless of limit, I've always tipped my drink waitress accordingly and have always ordered my drinks in the proper manner. I know your job is not an easy one, and God forbid I should ever worked at it as I would not last a shift without belting a "customer" so I do admire your strengths. However, my personal experience has taught me that a truly good and professional cocktail waitress is far and few between. All I desire from a waitress is a friendly attitude, not in a rush and hurry up mood, and patient enough to deal with me (I've never kept a waitress longer than a minute).
In the lower limit pits or floors, the waitress will just walk by, rather rapidly, announcing "cocktails". She either has to be yelled at (because she is so far away and all I yell is "cocktail") or chased down to place a drink order and then put up with her "attitude". Can you believe this, I've even had to chase down waitresses to give them their tip as they just slowed down just enough to set my drink down without spilling it and moved on expecting me not to tip. As play limits increase, this becomes less of a problem, but I have still had problems with waitresses bypassing me when taking orders and being rather rude to me as I approach them to place an order after she has passed me by, what's up with that! You might call the pit girls divas but they do give better service and with friendlier attitudes for the most part but they have their faults as well. However, the pit waitress faults are mainly common human error but they will apologize for any inconvenience and correct the error immediately, not during the next round. I do feel for the waitresses in the high limit pits as for some reason, those cheap high rolling bastards won't even tip and they are dumb enough to wonder why I get better service than they do.
If your working mostly slots, try to remember that the slots are the most favored of games as they take the least amount of skill or knowledge to play and the least embarrassing when a mistake is made. So yes, you will get the dumb questions from the slot players and yes, they will not know how to do anything correctly. Sadly enough Dollie, it's the cocktail waitresses job to not only realize those facts but to also put up with the "inexperienced" customer. Helping someone to not appear "clueless" will most likely get you some bigger tips and better customers. Just start their education with "First time in Vegas?".
Hi Jackie,
Some casinos have rules against waitresses who wait around for a tip, they consider this "hustling." So if you don't have your tip clearly visible and ready to go, a waitress may assume you won't tip and be required to move on.
If you do get caught off-guard and have to dig in your purse for money, you should say, "Hold on a sec, I want to tip you." I know it's happened to me, where I stood around waiting for someone get their tip out only to have them take out a player's card and insert it in the machine. Or they were really just looking for a piece of gum. Or some other bullshit. And now I've just wasted time and look like a complete asshole to boot. I've actually have people who've said, "What are you waiting for?" And I've actually said, "I thought you were going to tip me." This is why a tip should be ready, so there is no confusion on anyone's part.
Got to your site through the LVA daily question. I find it interesting from your point of view, but you must be a rarity as a cocktail waitress. I have visited Vegas many times, Reno as well, over the last 40 years and have played just about every game at every floor monetary level. I've been living in Vegas for two years now, retired here, and my cocktail waitress service experience has given me a different picture than the one you paint. For one, the lower the play limit, the poorer the service. I have played penny slots for the fun of the animations and all the way through the limits to high limit poker for the income. Regardless of limit, I've always tipped my drink waitress accordingly and have always ordered my drinks in the proper manner. I know your job is not an easy one, and God forbid I should ever worked at it as I would not last a shift without belting a "customer" so I do admire your strengths. However, my personal experience has taught me that a truly good and professional cocktail waitress is far and few between. All I desire from a waitress is a friendly attitude, not in a rush and hurry up mood, and patient enough to deal with me (I've never kept a waitress longer than a minute).
In the lower limit pits or floors, the waitress will just walk by, rather rapidly, announcing "cocktails". She either has to be yelled at (because she is so far away and all I yell is "cocktail") or chased down to place a drink order and then put up with her "attitude". Can you believe this, I've even had to chase down waitresses to give them their tip as they just slowed down just enough to set my drink down without spilling it and moved on expecting me not to tip. As play limits increase, this becomes less of a problem, but I have still had problems with waitresses bypassing me when taking orders and being rather rude to me as I approach them to place an order after she has passed me by, what's up with that! You might call the pit girls divas but they do give better service and with friendlier attitudes for the most part but they have their faults as well. However, the pit waitress faults are mainly common human error but they will apologize for any inconvenience and correct the error immediately, not during the next round. I do feel for the waitresses in the high limit pits as for some reason, those cheap high rolling bastards won't even tip and they are dumb enough to wonder why I get better service than they do.
If your working mostly slots, try to remember that the slots are the most favored of games as they take the least amount of skill or knowledge to play and the least embarrassing when a mistake is made. So yes, you will get the dumb questions from the slot players and yes, they will not know how to do anything correctly. Sadly enough Dollie, it's the cocktail waitresses job to not only realize those facts but to also put up with the "inexperienced" customer. Helping someone to not appear "clueless" will most likely get you some bigger tips and better customers. Just start their education with "First time in Vegas?".
Hi Jackie,
Some casinos have rules against waitresses who wait around for a tip, they consider this "hustling." So if you don't have your tip clearly visible and ready to go, a waitress may assume you won't tip and be required to move on.
If you do get caught off-guard and have to dig in your purse for money, you should say, "Hold on a sec, I want to tip you." I know it's happened to me, where I stood around waiting for someone get their tip out only to have them take out a player's card and insert it in the machine. Or they were really just looking for a piece of gum. Or some other bullshit. And now I've just wasted time and look like a complete asshole to boot. I've actually have people who've said, "What are you waiting for?" And I've actually said, "I thought you were going to tip me." This is why a tip should be ready, so there is no confusion on anyone's part.
Luvyou site
Hi Dottie,
Just a note to tell you that you have a great site.........and to ask you a few questions. I read the Las Vegas Advisor Question of the Day which is where I found the link. I spent a good hour reading, very witty, well written and informative! I was wondering as I was reading where you worked and I read a comment that said don't ask..........but then I saw info that showed it was NYNY. Being in the casino business for bout 20 years (I started when I was 21), I found your site very truthful and jam packed with great info. You've got a great sense of humor.
Here's my question - I have a blog - it's not too great ...yet. Do you make money from your site.......and if so how. Any help/ideas would be appreciated.
Hi Chettie,
No, I don't make any money from my site, and it's pretty great. Maybe I'll change my name to Cocktaildott and see what happens.
Just a note to tell you that you have a great site.........and to ask you a few questions. I read the Las Vegas Advisor Question of the Day which is where I found the link. I spent a good hour reading, very witty, well written and informative! I was wondering as I was reading where you worked and I read a comment that said don't ask..........but then I saw info that showed it was NYNY. Being in the casino business for bout 20 years (I started when I was 21), I found your site very truthful and jam packed with great info. You've got a great sense of humor.
Here's my question - I have a blog - it's not too great ...yet. Do you make money from your site.......and if so how. Any help/ideas would be appreciated.
Hi Chettie,
No, I don't make any money from my site, and it's pretty great. Maybe I'll change my name to Cocktaildott and see what happens.
I am little confused by the answer you provided to the LVA QOD. Does a cocktail waitress have to pay for the drinks she serves. I once saw Casino Diaries on The Discovery Channel and they did a piece on a waitress at Paris and they mentioned she had to pay 26 cents per drink. Is this an estimation on her tips or is it an actual fee charged by the casino.
Hi Rich,
I didn't see the show but the answer is no, the waitress does not pay for complimentary drinks. The waitress at Paris probably meant she was allocated 26 cents per drink, which means that's the amount she would be taxed on. And every casino's allocation is different. I answer this question in detail on my "Tipping Tips" page.
I am little confused by the answer you provided to the LVA QOD. Does a cocktail waitress have to pay for the drinks she serves. I once saw Casino Diaries on The Discovery Channel and they did a piece on a waitress at Paris and they mentioned she had to pay 26 cents per drink. Is this an estimation on her tips or is it an actual fee charged by the casino.
Hi Rich,
I didn't see the show but the answer is no, the waitress does not pay for complimentary drinks. The waitress at Paris probably meant she was allocated 26 cents per drink, which means that's the amount she would be taxed on. And every casino's allocation is different. I answer this question in detail on my "Tipping Tips" page.
cocktail shoes
I work for a fairly new casino and have the hardest time trying to find the best style of high-heel shoe for our waitresses. I realize no high-heel shoe will ever be comfortable. However, I was wondering if you could recommend something that is closest to being comfortable and somewhat stylish. What kind of high-heel shoe do most cocktail waitresses, where you live, wear? I really need some good advice on this one… The cocktail waitresses here would really appreciate your advice also. Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
I work for a fairly new casino and have the hardest time trying to find the best style of high-heel shoe for our waitresses. I realize no high-heel shoe will ever be comfortable. However, I was wondering if you could recommend something that is closest to being comfortable and somewhat stylish. What kind of high-heel shoe do most cocktail waitresses, where you live, wear? I really need some good advice on this one… The cocktail waitresses here would really appreciate your advice also. Any info you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Dollie
I am sorry if you have been asked this before, but I just found your website. I work at a casino, but not in cocktails. Is it any easier to get into cocktails if you already work for the casino? I do not have experience as a casino cocktail. I did work in a bar way, way back when I was 21, but that was long ago. Any advice?
Thanks for the help
Hi M,
Usually you can transfer into another department after 6 months, but it would be smart to study up on drinks, maybe even take a class, and make friends with someone in beverage who can put in a good word for you.
Good luck!
I am sorry if you have been asked this before, but I just found your website. I work at a casino, but not in cocktails. Is it any easier to get into cocktails if you already work for the casino? I do not have experience as a casino cocktail. I did work in a bar way, way back when I was 21, but that was long ago. Any advice?
Thanks for the help
Hi M,
Usually you can transfer into another department after 6 months, but it would be smart to study up on drinks, maybe even take a class, and make friends with someone in beverage who can put in a good word for you.
Good luck!
I've visited your site and picked up SOOO much on how to become a cocktail waitress...THANK YOU soo much for taking time and sharing your knowledge to the public. This is all new to me, I've been living in Vegas for 4years now doing office work and I need a CHANGE!!! I want to work for a casino and be a cocktail waitress. I was told to study for the test - I was told that the test would be about drinks and mixes...can you give me any info on what type of questions will be asked. Oh, I did order that book you mentioned on your site - I will definitely read that once I receive it. But..any info would be much appreciated!!!
Thank you and have a GREAT DAY!!!-- aileen
Thank you and have a GREAT DAY!!!-- aileen
Need your advice!
Hi Dollie,
I'm not sure if this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. How far back of the background check are most casinos and nightclubs be looking? My record is clear now but when I was young and stupid, I was caught shoplifted. I'm afraid they might not hire me as a cocktail waitress or a bartend. Any advice?
I'm not sure if this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway. How far back of the background check are most casinos and nightclubs be looking? My record is clear now but when I was young and stupid, I was caught shoplifted. I'm afraid they might not hire me as a cocktail waitress or a bartend. Any advice?
Hello Kitty diamond ring
I sent you a jpeg of an actual Hello Kitty diamond ring, but since I don't know if you got it, you can see it on my blog posted in April 2007 under "Meow"
I'm not looking for you to link to my blog or anything, just thought you'd be interested in the ring. Thanks for the fun website.
film-chick (my blog ID)
PS. What does ordering a Whiskey Sour make me on your list?
Hi Amy,
If you got me that diamond ring, then ordering a whiskey sour would make you My Best Friend.
I sent you a jpeg of an actual Hello Kitty diamond ring, but since I don't know if you got it, you can see it on my blog posted in April 2007 under "Meow"
I'm not looking for you to link to my blog or anything, just thought you'd be interested in the ring. Thanks for the fun website.
film-chick (my blog ID)
PS. What does ordering a Whiskey Sour make me on your list?
Hi Amy,
If you got me that diamond ring, then ordering a whiskey sour would make you My Best Friend.
almost a cocktail waitress
Hello Dollie, My name is Erin and i already had my 1st interview for cocktail at the Palms. They called me back for a 2nd interview with human resources on monday. Is this when they do their hair sample drug test? I just thought you might have an idea, and imput would be great, thank you!
Question (not answered on your site)
Hi Dollie,
I came across your website looking for a las vegas cocktail waitressing job. Right now I'm a stripper and would like to try being a cocktail waitress instead but have no experience. You said that most nicer casinos won't even give interviews if you don't have at least 6 months casino waitressing experience, so what is a newbie like me supposed to do? Try to get hired at a place in a not so nice part of town? Just curious. Love your website, it's very informative
Take care.
Hi Jessica,
The answer is yes. Or you can try your luck at a non-union casino and wow them with your beauty and knowledge of drinks. Or get hired at a casino doing something else, like waitressing, then network as much as you can with the beverage people, then try to transfer to cockails after six months.
Good luck!
I came across your website looking for a las vegas cocktail waitressing job. Right now I'm a stripper and would like to try being a cocktail waitress instead but have no experience. You said that most nicer casinos won't even give interviews if you don't have at least 6 months casino waitressing experience, so what is a newbie like me supposed to do? Try to get hired at a place in a not so nice part of town? Just curious. Love your website, it's very informative
Take care.
Hi Jessica,
The answer is yes. Or you can try your luck at a non-union casino and wow them with your beauty and knowledge of drinks. Or get hired at a casino doing something else, like waitressing, then network as much as you can with the beverage people, then try to transfer to cockails after six months.
Good luck!
cocktailing tips
Hi, I just recently started a new job cocktail waitressing at a greyhound dog track, but in the poker room. Do you have any hints on things I can do to make more tips? Anything would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Aimee,
They have poker rooms at greyhound dog tracks? Do they even have greyhound dog tracks anymore? Interesting.
To make money from poker players...when they want a coffee with a teaspoon of honey and a drop of water with two ice cubes, say, "What do I look like, your dead mother?" Use your thumbs to gouge out the eyes of the one player who calls you back to the table after you just got done asking if anyone else wanted a drink. And tell them that real men adopt greyhounds instead of betting on them.
Hi Aimee,
They have poker rooms at greyhound dog tracks? Do they even have greyhound dog tracks anymore? Interesting.
To make money from poker players...when they want a coffee with a teaspoon of honey and a drop of water with two ice cubes, say, "What do I look like, your dead mother?" Use your thumbs to gouge out the eyes of the one player who calls you back to the table after you just got done asking if anyone else wanted a drink. And tell them that real men adopt greyhounds instead of betting on them.
Dear Dollie:
I had a smarmy customer who fit your description of a stiff to a tee. He boasted about his wealth, his suits, his cars, plus your basic sexual harassment. When it came time to settle up, he had money to pay his bar tab but none for me. I got the," I'll get'cha next time, Toots", complete with wink. Having read your column, I unintentionally let out a weary sigh.
Caught, he suddenly remembered that he did, in fact, have cash and I got my tip.
-So thanks.
I had a smarmy customer who fit your description of a stiff to a tee. He boasted about his wealth, his suits, his cars, plus your basic sexual harassment. When it came time to settle up, he had money to pay his bar tab but none for me. I got the," I'll get'cha next time, Toots", complete with wink. Having read your column, I unintentionally let out a weary sigh.
Caught, he suddenly remembered that he did, in fact, have cash and I got my tip.
-So thanks.
Hi Dollie, my name is Alexa I just got a job at a local topless club as a cocktail waitress. What is the best way to call my drinks any advise?Any study guides to recommend...Alexa
Hi Alexa,
Congrats on your job but I'm sorry, I have no advice and no study guides to recommend. My entire site is a colossal waste of time and I wouldn't bother even glancing at "Want My Job?" page if I were you.
Good luck!
Hi Alexa,
Congrats on your job but I'm sorry, I have no advice and no study guides to recommend. My entire site is a colossal waste of time and I wouldn't bother even glancing at "Want My Job?" page if I were you.
Good luck!
Love your web site
My name is Randy.
I,m from a small town about a hour north of Seattle.
My wife, Debbie and I have been going to Vegas at least once a year for the last few years.
After reading your site, I must admit, I have had some of the misconceptions you write about. But I have never knowingly stiffed a cocktail waitress. I may be guilty of under tipping, but never of stiffing.
So, thanks to your web site, I will do my best to tip better in my future Vegas trips.
Just one question, which casino do you work at?
I'd like to thank you for your hard work in person some trip down.
Keep up the good work in spreading the news. I will also pass your site on to other friends who frequent Vegas.
Best Wishes
My name is Randy.
I,m from a small town about a hour north of Seattle.
My wife, Debbie and I have been going to Vegas at least once a year for the last few years.
After reading your site, I must admit, I have had some of the misconceptions you write about. But I have never knowingly stiffed a cocktail waitress. I may be guilty of under tipping, but never of stiffing.
So, thanks to your web site, I will do my best to tip better in my future Vegas trips.
Just one question, which casino do you work at?
I'd like to thank you for your hard work in person some trip down.
Keep up the good work in spreading the news. I will also pass your site on to other friends who frequent Vegas.
Best Wishes
cocktail waitress jobs in las vegas

Hej Dollie..I just wanted to thank you for your very honest and humorous website..I am in that position..I work at Palms..Playboy Store..and I haf all my cards and no cocktail waitress experience..haf been filling out applications and trying to get started..I am thinking I should go to bartender school or something..you seem very intelligent and wise..I am from kumla sweden..and wish i knew someone like you in real life..I moved here 9 months ago and haf zero friends..sigh...lol..anyways..thank you again..puss puss Nikki
Hi Nikki,
I have a feeling you won't be lonely anymore.
becoming a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas
I checked out a few sections of your website and you seem like a straight shooter, so here's the deal: I'm a 23-year old math teacher who is moving out to Vegas in the beginning of August and I want a second job cocktailing. I have seven years of serving experience and 2 years of bartending experience; I would love to become a bartender out there but I know my shit isn't that tight behind the bar, especially compared to the bartenders out there. Because I'm a teacher, I obviously wouldn't be able to work from 5:30 AM to 3:30 PM during the week and on you website you said that when you first start, you need to be openly available...if you could email me back and let me know what my odds are here, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
p.s. your son is adorable
p.s. your son is adorable
How to Tip the Cocktail Waitress
Hi Dollie -
I've been reading your site for a couple of years now - I think I stumbled on it when I was looking for resources on how to tip properly. I subscribe to a couple of online newsletters and one just arrived today, explaining how to tip. I thought you'd find the section on cocktail waitresses interesting.
You should be able to access it here: http://tk.publicaster.com/DC/ViewEmailInBrowser.aspx?646C76=3338383335&736272=33592&66=30
Between suggesting you order 2 drinks at a time and you only tip the hotel maids $1/day, I don't put much faith in their "recommendations." Although they did at least realize that you should tip the full amount a meal would have been, before comps/coupons/etc.
Thanks for having the site up. I really enjoy it!
I've been reading your site for a couple of years now - I think I stumbled on it when I was looking for resources on how to tip properly. I subscribe to a couple of online newsletters and one just arrived today, explaining how to tip. I thought you'd find the section on cocktail waitresses interesting.
You should be able to access it here: http://tk.publicaster.com/DC/ViewEmailInBrowser.aspx?646C76=3338383335&736272=33592&66=30
Between suggesting you order 2 drinks at a time and you only tip the hotel maids $1/day, I don't put much faith in their "recommendations." Although they did at least realize that you should tip the full amount a meal would have been, before comps/coupons/etc.
Thanks for having the site up. I really enjoy it!
I am going to be in Vegas next week for vacation. I've been to Las Vegas several times but always just to gamble or for a party. I am going with my wife this time (she's never been) and we have dinner reservations at the Eiffel Tower, Mesa Grill and Tao. What are the dress codes for these places?
Thanks for your time!
I am going to be in Vegas next week for vacation. I've been to Las Vegas several times but always just to gamble or for a party. I am going with my wife this time (she's never been) and we have dinner reservations at the Eiffel Tower, Mesa Grill and Tao. What are the dress codes for these places?
Thanks for your time!
new drink
Here is a drink I did not see on your site anywhere I picked it up when I lived close to the navy base in Virginia.
The navy guys call it a bloodshot. It is a corona in the bottle NFL with half a shot of red grenadine in it. It is really good.
Have you ever seen this?
Love your site great info on it.
Hi Ryan,
Yes, this would definitely go under Young White Guys, especially with a tempting name like that. Young White Girls also love Smirnoff Ice with a shot of grenadine. There's no official name for that, but let's call it...Koolaid Smile.
The navy guys call it a bloodshot. It is a corona in the bottle NFL with half a shot of red grenadine in it. It is really good.
Have you ever seen this?
Love your site great info on it.
Hi Ryan,
Yes, this would definitely go under Young White Guys, especially with a tempting name like that. Young White Girls also love Smirnoff Ice with a shot of grenadine. There's no official name for that, but let's call it...Koolaid Smile.
Cocktail Serving Experience
My name is Kate and I moved here from Los Angeles as well and I'm finding that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a cocktail server position anywhere. and I mean anywhere. I've tried main casinos, local casinos, local bars and dives, nightclubs, and strip clubs. Everywhere expects you to have experience. I have serving experience but not cocktailing. How could I possibly get into this field?
My name is Kate and I moved here from Los Angeles as well and I'm finding that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a cocktail server position anywhere. and I mean anywhere. I've tried main casinos, local casinos, local bars and dives, nightclubs, and strip clubs. Everywhere expects you to have experience. I have serving experience but not cocktailing. How could I possibly get into this field?
dollie,can you tell me. what "General Motors" would fit a cocktail waitress in Vegas.....that is in terms of her job...her income and..lifestyle....her day-today routine... i find your site very informative..and YES....u will share it with others so they will know ....where to find the real deal.... thanks and more power GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HENRY
Love your web page!
A friend referred me to the wizardofodds web page which refers to your web page. Very much enjoyed reading it - especially all the stuff about tips and your list of who orders what drinks (LOL).
Never knew about the whole IRS process that you explain. I always tip but have on occasion just given a dollar for my drink and my friends - will never do that again! Thanx for the info.
One thing that throws me is when I order a drink I like to specify the alcohol - like a captain and coke rather than just a rum and coke - as like most dumb white guys I assume I get some cheap rum then. Am I just being stupid? On the other hand, I don't want to ask you what rums you have - that would be rude and I have never done that. So in the end I always go with what I know you will have such as captain morgan. But I prefer to drink scotch - ideally a single malt. If it's a single malt I'll have it straight up, but if it's blended I'll have it on the rocks. Again I don't want to waste your time asking if you have any single malt scotches (and sound like a totally stuck up white yuppie boy!) so I'd defer to just asking for a scotch on the rocks. Any advice?
P.S. I'm heading in to vegas this weekend staying at the mirage. What are the odds that's where you work? No, not trying to pick up on you (already
married) but would be neat to meet you. You seem to have a great sense of humor.
Hi Chip,
You can specify a brand of alcohol and be pretty sure you'll get it as long as it's not a premium. Single malt scotches are considered premiums so it's a hit or miss on whether you'll get it or not, or if it's even available to the average player. If you're a scotch drinker you would be able to tell right away if you're getting the real thing, especially if you drink it straight up. (If not then you are just a pompous ass.)
And you are not a dumb white guy to assume the generic brand is the cheapest crap available (although I can't attest to whether you're a dumb white guy or not in other areas). Plus, it's located in the basement somewhere, so it has to make its way through a mile-long tube, that probably hasn't been cleaned in years, and finally to the bartender's gun into your drink. Eh, they say alcohol kills everything, so you should be safe. As ironic as that statement is.
Back to point: Don't be afraid to ask for your preferred alcohol. And you can increase your chances of getting it by tipping while you ask.
Never knew about the whole IRS process that you explain. I always tip but have on occasion just given a dollar for my drink and my friends - will never do that again! Thanx for the info.
One thing that throws me is when I order a drink I like to specify the alcohol - like a captain and coke rather than just a rum and coke - as like most dumb white guys I assume I get some cheap rum then. Am I just being stupid? On the other hand, I don't want to ask you what rums you have - that would be rude and I have never done that. So in the end I always go with what I know you will have such as captain morgan. But I prefer to drink scotch - ideally a single malt. If it's a single malt I'll have it straight up, but if it's blended I'll have it on the rocks. Again I don't want to waste your time asking if you have any single malt scotches (and sound like a totally stuck up white yuppie boy!) so I'd defer to just asking for a scotch on the rocks. Any advice?
P.S. I'm heading in to vegas this weekend staying at the mirage. What are the odds that's where you work? No, not trying to pick up on you (already
married) but would be neat to meet you. You seem to have a great sense of humor.
Hi Chip,
You can specify a brand of alcohol and be pretty sure you'll get it as long as it's not a premium. Single malt scotches are considered premiums so it's a hit or miss on whether you'll get it or not, or if it's even available to the average player. If you're a scotch drinker you would be able to tell right away if you're getting the real thing, especially if you drink it straight up. (If not then you are just a pompous ass.)
And you are not a dumb white guy to assume the generic brand is the cheapest crap available (although I can't attest to whether you're a dumb white guy or not in other areas). Plus, it's located in the basement somewhere, so it has to make its way through a mile-long tube, that probably hasn't been cleaned in years, and finally to the bartender's gun into your drink. Eh, they say alcohol kills everything, so you should be safe. As ironic as that statement is.
Back to point: Don't be afraid to ask for your preferred alcohol. And you can increase your chances of getting it by tipping while you ask.
I am currently a stay at home mother of a two year, and with one on the way. I am hoping to become a cocktail waitress as soon as I lose this baby, which shouldn't take long. I will be 21 at the end of this month, and just wondering what are the requirements. I have heard from some people that there are weight requirements, and that I will need training, and other say 1 years experience, and one even said I would need to go to college for it. I know that some of those can not be true. So I thought why not ask a cocktail waitress.
I have wanted to do this ever since I moved to vegas, which was 3 years ago.I am a very friendly person, and ussualy in very good shape.
If you can give me a reply I would apretiate a lot. Thank you.
Hi Mia,
Well, I certainly hope you don't lose your baby, although that would free up your schedule quite a bit.
College schmollage...all you need are
Just kidding. Well, it couldn't hurt. But I'm seriously kidding.
Do some research, maybe on the Internet. I'm sure you can find a good site that tells you what the requirements are, maybe even one that's written by a cocktail waitress.
Good luck!
I have wanted to do this ever since I moved to vegas, which was 3 years ago.I am a very friendly person, and ussualy in very good shape.
If you can give me a reply I would apretiate a lot. Thank you.
Hi Mia,
Well, I certainly hope you don't lose your baby, although that would free up your schedule quite a bit.
College schmollage...all you need are
Tits and ass
Buy yourself a fancy pair
Tighten up the derriere
Do the nose with it
All that goes with it
Just kidding. Well, it couldn't hurt. But I'm seriously kidding.
Do some research, maybe on the Internet. I'm sure you can find a good site that tells you what the requirements are, maybe even one that's written by a cocktail waitress.
Good luck!
Thanks for the website
Thanks for the website you put together. I am a long time visitor of Vegas, and many other resort destinations, and I have wondered and worried about many of the things you addressed on your website. Oh yes I am one of those Poker asses but I am happy to report that I do not break any of you guidelines and I am a generous tipper. I don't work for tips myself but I really appreciate good service and even more importantly a good personality. If I like you and feel you are giving me your best I generally tip $5 per beer just because I want you to know I care and I want you to care as well.
One of your topics was on the pre-tip and I always wondered how it would be received by a waitress to pre-tip. I thought it may seem condescending.
Anyway, thanks for the information. I am back in October and maybe I'll see you at NYNY. I usually stay at MGM for poker but do most of my table play at NYNY because it seems like a more fun group.
Thanks for the website you put together. I am a long time visitor of Vegas, and many other resort destinations, and I have wondered and worried about many of the things you addressed on your website. Oh yes I am one of those Poker asses but I am happy to report that I do not break any of you guidelines and I am a generous tipper. I don't work for tips myself but I really appreciate good service and even more importantly a good personality. If I like you and feel you are giving me your best I generally tip $5 per beer just because I want you to know I care and I want you to care as well.
One of your topics was on the pre-tip and I always wondered how it would be received by a waitress to pre-tip. I thought it may seem condescending.
Anyway, thanks for the information. I am back in October and maybe I'll see you at NYNY. I usually stay at MGM for poker but do most of my table play at NYNY because it seems like a more fun group.
Getting Comp'd in Vegas
Hi Dollie
Just thought you and your readers at Cocktail Doll might want to check out our tips on getting comp'd in Vegas over here at Free Geekery -- http://www.rewardprograms.org/thefreegeek/features/the-ultimate-guide-to-getting-compd-in-vegas.html. Let me know if we missed any good tips.
Free Geekery
Just thought you and your readers at Cocktail Doll might want to check out our tips on getting comp'd in Vegas over here at Free Geekery -- http://www.rewardprograms.org/thefreegeek/features/the-ultimate-guide-to-getting-compd-in-vegas.html. Let me know if we missed any good tips.
Free Geekery
Hi Dollie
Hello Dollie, I just wanted to tell you that I love the site, it is very informative. I just started cocktail waitressing as of today 8/23. I was told by someone who has an ex friend who is a Cocktail Waitress that I'd need to learn how to make the drinks as a part of my job description. Is this true? Or do they mean the garnishes for specific drinks?
Hi AqUaTlcZ,
Who needs an ex-friend like that? Reinstate her and have her teach you all she knows - pronto!
It never hurts to be over-qualified for your job. Or maybe it does. Anyway, in our scenario, if you know how to make drinks, including garnishes, you will be more confident in your job, especially with customers and bartenders. Sometimes guests will ask you what goes in a certain drink, or they'll give you the ingredients and not know the name. Sometimes bartenders don't know how to make certain drinks and will either try to fake you out by pouring whatever, hoping you don't know either, or you'll be stuck in the bar asking, "Does anyone know how to make a rum and Coke?"
I've been in the business long enough now that if someone orders a drink I've never heard of I can confidently ask, "How is that made?" without fear of sounding like an idiot. I also carry with me two drink books, and in the not-so-rare instance that I learn a new one from a customer, I'll write that in one of my books. Everyone at work knows I have them so sometimes I'll get a call from another bar asking to look up how to make a drink. For someone who's such a wise-ass I need the knowledge to justify it.
So drink-making is not a requirement, but it's definitely an asset.
Hi AqUaTlcZ,
Who needs an ex-friend like that? Reinstate her and have her teach you all she knows - pronto!
It never hurts to be over-qualified for your job. Or maybe it does. Anyway, in our scenario, if you know how to make drinks, including garnishes, you will be more confident in your job, especially with customers and bartenders. Sometimes guests will ask you what goes in a certain drink, or they'll give you the ingredients and not know the name. Sometimes bartenders don't know how to make certain drinks and will either try to fake you out by pouring whatever, hoping you don't know either, or you'll be stuck in the bar asking, "Does anyone know how to make a rum and Coke?"
I've been in the business long enough now that if someone orders a drink I've never heard of I can confidently ask, "How is that made?" without fear of sounding like an idiot. I also carry with me two drink books, and in the not-so-rare instance that I learn a new one from a customer, I'll write that in one of my books. Everyone at work knows I have them so sometimes I'll get a call from another bar asking to look up how to make a drink. For someone who's such a wise-ass I need the knowledge to justify it.
So drink-making is not a requirement, but it's definitely an asset.
Love the website-question for you
Hi Dollie,
Thanks for making your website. I'm going to Vegas in less then a week now and reading all the info you posted was really interesting.
You posted on your website that bartenders sometimes give low quality vodka if someone orders Grey Goose. Does this happen most of the time? It almost seems strange that they even have Grey Goose that they "give away for free" if they are lying about actually giving it to you most of the time.
Just very curious about this...is there a way to insure I would get Grey Goose for sure? I am not a high roller
Thanks for making your website. I'm going to Vegas in less then a week now and reading all the info you posted was really interesting.
You posted on your website that bartenders sometimes give low quality vodka if someone orders Grey Goose. Does this happen most of the time? It almost seems strange that they even have Grey Goose that they "give away for free" if they are lying about actually giving it to you most of the time.
Just very curious about this...is there a way to insure I would get Grey Goose for sure? I am not a high roller
I just wanted to say you're funny... You site seems like something i would write. and i dont know anyone else other than me that uses the word Doofus ... lolIf you're on myspace feel free to add me, if you'd like myspace.com/catmama222
How to get knowlege of cocktails.
Hello. My name is Junko. I saw your website cocktaildoll.com.
I had an interview for a butler position at a hotel in Vegas, and Ive asked I have some knowlege of cocktails and wines. The interviewer asked me about a cocktal, "Cosmopolitan" (Vocka + cointreau + lime juice + cranberry juice). I was like... what? lol
There are millions of cocktals in the world and do you try to memorize all of them? How?
I now studying wines and cocktails with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cocktails.
Before became a cacktail server, did you have knowlege of alcoholic? How did you learn? I also go to a bar, order many different cocktails and ask a bartender sometimes.
Im Japanese and sometimes Im not familiar with memorizing of requeur names!!
I had an interview for a butler position at a hotel in Vegas, and Ive asked I have some knowlege of cocktails and wines. The interviewer asked me about a cocktal, "Cosmopolitan" (Vocka + cointreau + lime juice + cranberry juice). I was like... what? lol
There are millions of cocktals in the world and do you try to memorize all of them? How?
I now studying wines and cocktails with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cocktails.
Before became a cacktail server, did you have knowlege of alcoholic? How did you learn? I also go to a bar, order many different cocktails and ask a bartender sometimes.
Im Japanese and sometimes Im not familiar with memorizing of requeur names!!
Drink ordering question
I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with, just because I want to be more educated before we go back to Vegas. I am a lower level gambler compared to some, I'll play any mixture of nickel and quarter slots and VP as well as some blackjack, but nothing huge. When I'm ordering from the waitress, is it all right to ask for name brand liquor like Johnnie Walker Black, Bacardi, and Absolut or should I just shut up and take the house brands that are used? I ask because I like to have my money ready when the waitress gets back to us and I don't want to hold her up by having only the tip if it is going to cost more for the name brand stuff.
Thanks for all the information on your site as well, I feel more confident about my tipping practices after reading everything.
I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with, just because I want to be more educated before we go back to Vegas. I am a lower level gambler compared to some, I'll play any mixture of nickel and quarter slots and VP as well as some blackjack, but nothing huge. When I'm ordering from the waitress, is it all right to ask for name brand liquor like Johnnie Walker Black, Bacardi, and Absolut or should I just shut up and take the house brands that are used? I ask because I like to have my money ready when the waitress gets back to us and I don't want to hold her up by having only the tip if it is going to cost more for the name brand stuff.
Thanks for all the information on your site as well, I feel more confident about my tipping practices after reading everything.
Your Advice
Hi,I am a cocktail server at Foxwoods and I regularly read your site; it's great! I usually laugh my ass off when I read about the scenarios you describe (non-tippers, etc.) because we can all identify! I was wondering if you could give me some advice, though. Where are the best places in Vegas to apply for a cocktail job? My boyfriend is a Floor Supervisor in Table Games and we are entertaining the possibility of making a move to Vegas. Any ideas on where we also might look for a residence? Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from you at your leisure. I wish more patrons would read what you've put on your site--they all could use a clue. :)Jessica
I read your web site in detail and it is great. I am looking to be a cocktail waitress at a strip club there in Vegas. I am in good shape blondish hair fake boobs good physique. What do you think the average girl makes cocktail witnessing out there in Vegas? Is there any advice you can give me? Any places I should avoid? Thanks for any advice, my husband and I are just starting to look into this.
Doing a school project and would like to copy some info.
I am a student at Cal State LA and am doing a project for my organizational communications class in which my group is portraying a casino in our presentation of classical management theory. I am in charge of the hiring and training for cocktail waitresses and would love to copy some of your info regarding requirements for the job and cocktailese. I would appreciate if you would allow me to use what you provide on this site, or if you would be so kind as to send me relevant information. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am a student at Cal State LA and am doing a project for my organizational communications class in which my group is portraying a casino in our presentation of classical management theory. I am in charge of the hiring and training for cocktail waitresses and would love to copy some of your info regarding requirements for the job and cocktailese. I would appreciate if you would allow me to use what you provide on this site, or if you would be so kind as to send me relevant information. Thank you for your time and consideration.
about Las Vegas
Hi My name is Karen Davis and I currently live in Oregon. I deal table games in an Indian casino. I would like to know if you could help me get some updated info about casino dealers, and how much they are currently making in tips? How long does it really take to get a full time job dealing cards? Just some info, I am planning to move to Las Vegas by Jan 2008. Any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
Great Site
I was just in Vegas for a company meeting, and your site was brought up as an intro. The guy speaking about your site made a joke that he would not order his usual while in Vegas as it was related to gay guys and yuppie girls. His comment got me interested and I just spent the last hour reading your site. This in itself is probably not that unusual for most people, but for me it is. I’m not really into reading websites, and more frankly most sites are boring. (I love Vegas, it is one of my favorite places to go)
I was glad to see that my $1 tip per drink was considered fair. I tip a $ even when I’m losing, and more on the very very rare occasions that I am winning. I also tip my dealer almost every hand as well. And yes, I have had to waitress as a 3rd job in the past – divorce, 2 kids, etc. Do what you gotta do. Plus I have had family members in and out of service business for various reasons.
My drink was not on your list so I’ll consider myself unpredictable. Which is ok by me.
Did not mean to make this a long note, I just wanted to tell you that I truly enjoyed your site. You are very talented, not only at your job, but also with your writing. Your website is informative, funny, and very true! As far as stupid, rude, non-tipping idiots go, just so you know, even if they read your site they will in no way even remotely think you are speaking of them. Unfortunately you cannot fix stupid.
Your baby is a dumpling, and you are a doll, good luck to you in all you do!
p.s. Try writing something for publication.
Thanks, Jackie
I was glad to see that my $1 tip per drink was considered fair. I tip a $ even when I’m losing, and more on the very very rare occasions that I am winning. I also tip my dealer almost every hand as well. And yes, I have had to waitress as a 3rd job in the past – divorce, 2 kids, etc. Do what you gotta do. Plus I have had family members in and out of service business for various reasons.
My drink was not on your list so I’ll consider myself unpredictable. Which is ok by me.
Did not mean to make this a long note, I just wanted to tell you that I truly enjoyed your site. You are very talented, not only at your job, but also with your writing. Your website is informative, funny, and very true! As far as stupid, rude, non-tipping idiots go, just so you know, even if they read your site they will in no way even remotely think you are speaking of them. Unfortunately you cannot fix stupid.
Your baby is a dumpling, and you are a doll, good luck to you in all you do!
p.s. Try writing something for publication.
Thanks, Jackie
hi there
Hello there, LOVE your page. I have a few questions for you and I hope you aren't annoyed by them. I read everything you have on your page about those of us who want to be Vegas cocktail waitresses but now I just need some honest advice. My husband and I currently live in Boston, he's a Union painter and I am a bartender/waitress/cocktail waitress, if the job is available in a restaurant I have done it. I am 27 years old and he and I have 3 children. We have a crazy huge mortgage that is only allowing us to scrape by monthly. Recently we went on our 3rd trip to Vegas after saving up for 2 years LOL...fortunately we were winners, but this is besides the point.
While we were there we actually took the time to drive outside of the strip and see a little more. I absolutely fell in love with the area. We were looking into houses and realized that a house that costs $500,000 here is only about $200,000 out there. I checked into the union rates there and he would make $31/hour if he were to transfer. Which would definitely be enough to cover our mortgage and most bills...but I wouldn't want to move out there only to find its the same struggle we face here. I would love to cocktail waitress but I am so afraid I won't be able to get a job once I am there. I wanted to do like 3 nights a week and was wondering about how much I could expect to make. I am not by any means asking you to tell me how much you make but you know better than anyone an average of what the cocktail waitresses make out there. I just don't want to make this decision, with illusions of grandeur only to fall on my face. Would we be able to live comfortably? And also, with the Union you spoke of...is there a 401k you can invest in...because my husband would lose his annuity that we have here. I am just wondering if I were to put my entire paycheck into a retirement would I be able to live just off of the tips. I hope this email wasn't too invasive...I know a persons salary and pay is a very private thing. Thank you very much for your time and for reading this!!
While we were there we actually took the time to drive outside of the strip and see a little more. I absolutely fell in love with the area. We were looking into houses and realized that a house that costs $500,000 here is only about $200,000 out there. I checked into the union rates there and he would make $31/hour if he were to transfer. Which would definitely be enough to cover our mortgage and most bills...but I wouldn't want to move out there only to find its the same struggle we face here. I would love to cocktail waitress but I am so afraid I won't be able to get a job once I am there. I wanted to do like 3 nights a week and was wondering about how much I could expect to make. I am not by any means asking you to tell me how much you make but you know better than anyone an average of what the cocktail waitresses make out there. I just don't want to make this decision, with illusions of grandeur only to fall on my face. Would we be able to live comfortably? And also, with the Union you spoke of...is there a 401k you can invest in...because my husband would lose his annuity that we have here. I am just wondering if I were to put my entire paycheck into a retirement would I be able to live just off of the tips. I hope this email wasn't too invasive...I know a persons salary and pay is a very private thing. Thank you very much for your time and for reading this!!
Just wanted to say: great job on the web site so right on! I'm a cocktail waitress myself and I wish everyone of my customers would read your words. I do have one opinion about your picture on the home page. You are very beautiful, picture is very well done, I'm not so sure about the pose though- the hands being tied, when I first saw the picture I thought I would be send to a porn web side-no offense. It doesn't make you look very empowered but once I got past that and I read the content of your web site I was really impressed.
Thank you for the work you put into this, I'm sure any cocktail waitress would love it.
Thank you for the work you put into this, I'm sure any cocktail waitress would love it.
Hi from OK
Hey Dollie,
We have recently had an Indian owned casion open up near me, here in OK.
They have blackjack, poker and slots, no other games, yet. They just started serving beer...before only soft drinks, coffee, etc. They are hoping to get cocktails by spring, as this is a dry county and has to be voted on. I just started working there and it is pretty slow, as a lot of folks don't even know they serve beer yet and to top it off the casino charges for the beer. The cokes, etc. are free. How many hours a night do you usually work? Also, approx. how many drinks do you serve, say on a weekend night 9-2? I'm just wondering if it will get any better, once the cocktails become available, if they do. Love your site and found it very fun...love your outlook on kids and animals...me, too.
Thanks for your input, if possible.
We have recently had an Indian owned casion open up near me, here in OK.
They have blackjack, poker and slots, no other games, yet. They just started serving beer...before only soft drinks, coffee, etc. They are hoping to get cocktails by spring, as this is a dry county and has to be voted on. I just started working there and it is pretty slow, as a lot of folks don't even know they serve beer yet and to top it off the casino charges for the beer. The cokes, etc. are free. How many hours a night do you usually work? Also, approx. how many drinks do you serve, say on a weekend night 9-2? I'm just wondering if it will get any better, once the cocktails become available, if they do. Love your site and found it very fun...love your outlook on kids and animals...me, too.
Thanks for your input, if possible.
Cool Music
Robert here from Texas...
Real cool music.. I am going to do some research on them.... Zero 7 ...Great Sound...
Make some more recommendations sometime... U get exposure to lots of tunes I don't..
Luv the page....
Robert here from Texas...
Real cool music.. I am going to do some research on them.... Zero 7 ...Great Sound...
Make some more recommendations sometime... U get exposure to lots of tunes I don't..
Luv the page....
great site!
Hi Dollie
Just found your great site a week before our trip to Las Vegas. Thank you so much for the tipping tips and fun stuff. Joshua is a lovely boy [but you know that!].
I'm Aries too and don't believe all that astrology crap - BUT - funny how I always hit it off with another Aries, how I fit the profile [nicely bossy, wonderful personality, adventurous ,forever young, too truthful for my own good,odd sense of humour and modest to boot!!]
We are only in LV for a couple of days but will say hi if we see you.
Thanks again
Sally from UK
Just found your great site a week before our trip to Las Vegas. Thank you so much for the tipping tips and fun stuff. Joshua is a lovely boy [but you know that!].
I'm Aries too and don't believe all that astrology crap - BUT - funny how I always hit it off with another Aries, how I fit the profile [nicely bossy, wonderful personality, adventurous ,forever young, too truthful for my own good,odd sense of humour and modest to boot!!]
We are only in LV for a couple of days but will say hi if we see you.
Thanks again
Sally from UK
Cocktail Waitress school
I enjoyed your website and am interested in becoming a cocktail waitress. Is there a school in Las Vegas?
Thanks for your reply
I enjoyed your website and am interested in becoming a cocktail waitress. Is there a school in Las Vegas?
Thanks for your reply
I just came across your site and you ROCK.
As a Hotel Concierge for 12 years, I just crack up reading about your tipping rules...
and its good to know that when I am in Vegas playing slots or VP, and someone comes with my beer, I got my dollar out ready to go, that that is what makes your job easy.
My favorite part of your site....what do Flaming Gay Guys order....see White girls!! LOL, as someone that hangs out with flaming queens, I can only crack my ass up on the truth....
As a Hotel Concierge for 12 years, I just crack up reading about your tipping rules...
and its good to know that when I am in Vegas playing slots or VP, and someone comes with my beer, I got my dollar out ready to go, that that is what makes your job easy.
My favorite part of your site....what do Flaming Gay Guys order....see White girls!! LOL, as someone that hangs out with flaming queens, I can only crack my ass up on the truth....
Hello, I am interested in becoming a cocktail waitress in La svegas, but I am not sure what I need to become one. I know I need a Sherriffs card, but what else. If you don't mind me asking.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hi From Stuttgart, Germany!
Hi Dollie! I just finished reading your whole site, great stuff! I stumbled across it initially looking for info on tipping (thanks, I'll make sure and tip in advance, everything else is right on target!)My fiance Tanja and I will be in town 13-20 December for Celine's last show (lucky us!!) and we're staying at the Wynn... I have a good idea where you work from your site and will make a stop in to see you and confirm my suspicions. I'll be the guy that tips you a 5 Euro bill up front for a drink, heh heh (I'll of course replace it with a $20 if you ask me if I'm "Patrick" : ) Thanks for all the great info on your site and I echo the sentiment that you should consider maybe writing a book of your memoirs... Your sense of humor is great!Very Best and hope to see you next week,Patrick
Hi, and YOU ROCK!
Hi, Dollie!
Thanks for making me blow my day off perusing your entire website. It was definitely worth it, and I made my dogs cry because I was laughing so loudly (not to mention the neighbor banging on the wall)!
I work as a massage therapist in a casino spa on the Strip...NOT, unfortunately, at Caesar's or the Bellagio, but a girl can dream, right?
So many of your customers seem to wander into the spa and get massages, I wonder how that could be?
Anyway, thank you for your wonderful website, I found you through my friend 4chun Cookie's blog, http://www.flirtatiousdisaster.blogspot.com/.
My blog is http://www.lucrativepain.blogspot.com/.
If you feel a burning desire to link to it, go for it!
If not, no problem, I won't be offended one bit.
Take care, and have a wonderful day (it's my Sunday today, yay),
Thanks for making me blow my day off perusing your entire website. It was definitely worth it, and I made my dogs cry because I was laughing so loudly (not to mention the neighbor banging on the wall)!
I work as a massage therapist in a casino spa on the Strip...NOT, unfortunately, at Caesar's or the Bellagio, but a girl can dream, right?
So many of your customers seem to wander into the spa and get massages, I wonder how that could be?
Anyway, thank you for your wonderful website, I found you through my friend 4chun Cookie's blog, http://www.flirtatiousdisaster.blogspot.com/.
My blog is http://www.lucrativepain.blogspot.com/.
If you feel a burning desire to link to it, go for it!
If not, no problem, I won't be offended one bit.
Take care, and have a wonderful day (it's my Sunday today, yay),
free drinks?
So I told my friend that casino's give you free drinks if you are playing. If you are not playing then you pay for it. I also said but leave a good tip. He then said that the cocktail waitress actually pays for the drinks that she gives to you for free and in return she will get a tip from you. But she does not pay full price for the drink. So i told my friend this: So you are saying if i order a $3.00 drink, and get if for free because i am playing craps, then i give her a $1.50 tip, then She would give some of that money back to the bar? He said yep. This doesnt make sense. I am under the impression as long as you are putting in money down on the tables or slots then you are getting free drinks. Its like you are paying for your drinks anyway since you are just dumping money in there right? Who is correct?
who drinks what
Hi – I stumbled on your website, and had a good chuckle re: your who drinks what list. As a gay guy, I can verify the truthfulness of the list.
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